🦋God's Whisper
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アズナの大司祭はこの地を治め、その魅了の力は抗いがたいと伝えられる。 The grand priest of Azuna rules the land and is said to possess the power of irresistible charm. 2/1 => 1380JPY, 2480PY 😶🌫️ 2/8 => 1600JPY, 2900JPY Discord: https://discord.gg/fHhV3CJF35 QQ: 747469348 依頼-의뢰-定制-Commission https://virtualcreatorsclub.notion.site/Commission-104bdceb2600805e94e9ec65345fd411?pvs=4 Hairs: https://angka.booth.pm/items/5069433 Shader: Liltoon https://booth.pm/en/items/3087170 Shadow: PCSS https://booth.pm/en/items/4493526 💗 Thank You 💗: https://x.com/mizumikan_vrc https://x.com/Nanashiki9 https://x.com/Hanyamii https://x.com/Chloe_cccz ◆コンテンツ - 콘텐츠 - Content - 内容 Unitypackage Texture PSD TexturePNG Blender Files (In Unitypackage) HELP.url ◆ライセンス契約 - 라이선스 계약 - License Agreement - 许可协议 https://virtualcreatorsclub.notion.site/Cyber-Critter-License-Agreement-eff1ba56e161493cbaf24eb64f955178?pvs=74